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  • Jeremy Hart, Real Estate Professional in Blacksburg


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January 02, 2009


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condos in Toronto

I hope this years will bring a big change. But I am not sure if it will be positive change. With new regulations, possible bailouts (commercial real estate?) and all other things - I am afraid your market will be slowed down in long term. And since we had 45% sales drop here in Toronto in December, we can expect our government to follow some of your precautions...
Take care

Jeremy Hart

Thanks, Condos in Toronto, for the Canadian-perspective. I'll be watching our market closely, as always ... there's plenty to be grateful for here, we've avoided all of the major hits so far. Minor layoffs, typically support staff, and very few foreclosures. Knock on wood, I think we'll see foreclosures climb A BIT if people do not refinance, but truthfully who's crystal ball really shows the whole picture?

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