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November 25, 2008


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How big was $215 million in historic offerings for the state or the VRA? In the investment finance world that sounds very reasonable, was this a particularly large offering historically for the VRA? A lot of money is chasing "safe" investment options, so muni's from a strong state are always attractive to upper income people for the tax benefits.

Jeremy Hart

Eric -

The press release says that it's the largest transaction ever in the history of VRA's "pooled financing program". I'm not sure how it varies from other transactions, but later in the release it says that, to date, VRA's pooled financing program has participated in $862 million worth of borrowing. You can read the whole November 21 press release at

If I had to guess, a "pooled financing program" would allow municipalities to join together in soliciting funds - strength of many, enjoying the extremely strong credit position that Virginia has created.

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