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  • Jeremy Hart, Real Estate Professional in Blacksburg


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July 10, 2008


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I was actually hoping this was going to be the result.

If this was really about the reasons the town listed I would say that's fair, but it's not. This is all about how Fairmount stole the town's girlfriend from the sandbox, and now the town is going to be rotten about anything and everything they can be.

Jeremy Hart

Interesting analogy, Bill, but probably right on. I agree, if idling cars and pedestrian safety were at the forefront of this argument then it could be valid, but it's hard to imagine otherwise when you have SUP's being issued for Wendy's on both North and South Main Street (remember that the North Main location has residential 50 yards away - are we not paying attention to that because those are rental homes?) and South Main Street has homes on the other side of the treeline. There'll be a coffee shop on North Main with a drive-thru window (read idling cars) soon ... let's be consistent.

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