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  • Jeremy Hart, Real Estate Professional in Blacksburg


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« Blacksburg's University City Boulevard To Close | Main | Workforce Housing in Blacksburg »

June 21, 2008


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It's always been my thought that Smith's Landing was being built and would end up with an official or unofficial tie to University Housing and somewhow get subsidized. I guess the cynic in me thinks that other rental properties will be at a competitive disadvantage.

Just my thought.

Jeremy Hart

John, I had not heard that about subsidized University housing, that's a new one to me. If true, it WOULD put other properties at a competitive disadvantage. Truthfully, putting too many properties into the market will put everyone with that product at somewhat of a competitive advantage (i.e. condos in Blacksburg, or townhomes in Christiansburg), don't you think? Nevertheless, unless Virginia Tech reels in their admission numbers (which I doubt will happen) and continues to grow at a steady pace, investors should stay happy. Am I missing something?


No not missing anything at all. I think the steady rise in admissions and growth is great. I guess I have seen too many other projects get put through the ringer and Smith's Landing has gotten a pass on a lot of stuff.

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