I've been Meme'd again. Jamie Geiger of Real Estate Cactus.com tagged me in a recent meme, so I thought I'd follow the directions and pass it on. First, though, I guess I need to answer the questions.
Hope someone will play along. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming
- Who is your favorite musical artist? (post a YouTube video)
Like everyone else on the planet I'd say my tastes run all over the place, but if there's one band - not an artist, but a band - I constantly go back to it's The Dave Matthews Band. Here's a current favorite ...
- Who is your favorite artist?
This one's tough; I don't think I have a favorite artist, per se. My wife and I will usually pick up a piece of art - a painting, a sculpture, something - from the various places we've traveled and we've got some neat items from around the world, including a painting from Italy, handcrafted items from India and China, original prints from Alaska and Hawaii ... but two of my favorites might be two prints by an artist in Charleston SC. We THINK his name is Gary Gorvans, although we can't read his signature and it's been so long since we were there we haven't looked any further. I love that all of these items are a constant reminder of the places we've been - well, admittedly, some of the coolest trips have been my wife's but I'm working on that passport thing. - Who is your favorite blogger?
How can I answer this - I've got dozens of them, I wouldn't even know where to begin! I'm going to leave someone out, so I'll defer ... but if you love a good storyteller and are interested in Chicago Real Estate, I'd check out Geno Petro. Just sayin'. Apologies to the dozens of others I've left off. - If you could meet anyone (alive or dead), who would it be and what is the most interesting thing about them?
Although I guess it could be said He's alive, I'd like to meet Jesus - just two guys, sitting around, talking. Can you imagine, meeting someone who's entire life inspired not only Christianity but several other religions as well? If the person were living, I'd like to meet Hank Aaron. I think the thing that's most interesting about him is the way that he carried the burden of racism on his shoulders with such dignity and class, and has remained to this day an admirable example of character. - What did you want to be when you grew up?
A baseball player. - What is the most interesting piece of trivia you know?
When I need to recall trivia, I can't do it. So I'm going to go with something I saw today on Twitter, courtesy of @triviabot - about 98% of the surface of Antarctica is covered by ice that, on average, is a mile thick. - If you could live in any point in history what would it be and why?
I'm pretty happy with this point in history, honestly. I don't know that I'd want to trade.
- What is the most interesting job you have ever held?
Being a REALTOR(R) is a pretty cool career, I must admit, but I probably had more fun on a daily basis working in minor league baseball after college. I did everything - sales, marketing and promotions, grass cutting, website maintenance, even washed the uniforms after the games for extra cash - and loved it. Other than work I had no life, but it was still so much fun. I mean, who gets paid ridiculous cash during a game to get vodka shooters for a manager who won a World Series as a player?? They call that WORK? Don't ask, the manager shall remain nameless since I think he's still in baseball. It was a cool job.
Hope someone will play along. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming
There's a couple of Dave Matthews Band lovers going around this meme. I can't believe this thing is still going and so glad to see everyone participate and take the time.
Thanks for the tag Jeremy and my meme is over at miamism (don't expect a second one though) :)
Posted by: ines | May 29, 2008 at 12:11 AM
Thanks for playing, I have enjoyed learning more about the bloggers that I follow.
Posted by: Jamie Geiger | May 29, 2008 at 12:43 AM
Okay, I'll play along, but shouldn't you have titled this, "I Love Me some Me(Me)" ?
Posted by: Heather Elias | May 29, 2008 at 09:01 AM