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May 08, 2008


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Tom Markiewicz

Because that is only a part of how GDP is measured.

Jeremy Hart

Tom, thanks - I had a hunch I might be hearing from you. I broke out in cold sweats reading that wiki, remembering my algebra days. True story - I took Math 101 in college, got a D+. Took it the following semester, same professor, I got a D-. I quit while I was still passing ...

What about Darla? I know Darla's out there and has thoughts on this, when will we be hearing from her?


The problem with the GDP is that too many factors go into it. There are several reasons why the GDP is up when the economy is "bad." One of them is exports - we are exporting more goods and services now than ever, and this factors as a plus in the GDP. Our exports of grains (wheat, corn, etc.), ironically, is one big reasons our economy is hurting and grain prices are so high.

As far as Volvo, specifically, is concerned, I think the reason their layoffs do not jibe with the rising GDP is because their American plants are not exporting - they are creating product for use in the U.S. And Americans' personal consumption is down for many hard goods.

The other thing contributing to a higher GDP is, believe it or not, government spending. When the government spends money, even money it does not have, it results in an increase in GDP. This includes all of our military spending! So we can push our deficit to astronomical levels, but still paint a pretty picture when we talk about GDP. Go figure.

Finally, residential and real estate investments are impacting the GDP negatively right now, meaning that those folks who claim the property market is not in line with the growing GDP are, technically, correct.

As you said, lots of things go into an economic analysis. It's good to see a continuing dialogue, especially as far as real estate goes. Keep it up!

For more info on the GDP from the horse's mouth:

Jeremy Hart

Thanks for checking in, Darla - I figured we could expect to hear from you.

I understood none of what you said ... no, I'm serious. Too many factors go into it for it to make any sense to anyone, it seems like. Why can't it be something that actually makes sense?

You win, I'm speechless. :)

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