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January 10, 2008


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I've got to comment on this as I was at several of the meetings when the PC and TC discussed the possibility of an ordinance. When the Mayor says the TOC doesn't have a noise ordinance, he specifically means a noise ordinance. However, Town Code is in place to allow someone to call the cops if a noise is to the nuisance level. The cop comes and makes a call on whether the noise is a nuisance. He/She can write a ticket if they believe the noise is out of hand.
You want something vague and unenforceable, write a specific noise ordinance talking about decibels, etc.


Thanks John, for the comment - I was hoping you might have something to add since I figured you had at least followed the events. Can you imagine trying to enforce an ordinance dealing with decibel levels? "...Ma'am, the current decibel level is 54.3, it's not a violation until it reaches 54". In all likelihood this "award" is in response to recent complaints that the Town has allowed unrestricted construction and development. Do you anticipate we'll see the Town address this in future sessions, or do they seem content with the way things are?

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I think they are contented with the way things are..

James Ferris

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The ordinances are reasonable


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The importance of your family's safety is priceless.

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Quite reasonable. I am about to agree.

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