Interesting article on Friday of last week - yes, I'm a little late - regarding noise ordinances. I was a little surprised to hear that Christiansburg has such an open-ended noise ordinance ... "Currently, Christiansburg's town code addresses noise under the nuisance ordinance and simply states that 'unreasonably loud and unnecessary noise' constitutes a nuisance."
I can understand this woman's concerns, and the tone that Town Manager Lance Terpenny took when he was quoted as saying "this lady won't hear this noise forever and ever." seems a little flippant. I mean, she wants to knit on the back deck! Who doesn't like to pass away a quiet Saturday morning outside with their knitting supplies? I kid - a little bit - but I understand the Town's point as well. Discretion is important, as Terpenny says, but the climate in the New River Valley DOES dictate that a lot of the work be done when weather conditions are favorable. Of course, I chuckled when Terpenny said he empathized with the contractors - of course he does, they've been paying hundreds of thousands of dollars worth or permitting fees to the Town of Christiansburg over the last few years!
Interested to hear your thoughts ... what do you think?
Speaking of noise - and we hope it won't be offensive - the NRVLiving Real Estate Team begins hosting it's radio show cleverly titled "The NRVLiving Real Estate Show" this Saturday, August 4th at 10:00am on FOX News Radio 810AM. Hope you'll choose to check it out ... we'd love to hear your thoughts, comments, suggestions, or better yet ... Get involved! Questions or show suggestions can be emailed to [email protected].