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May 11, 2007


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Jim Duncan

Whew! Buyers' expectations can be a four-letter word, huh?

It's up to the Buyers' Agents to set the expectations appropriately, and it's a shame that some of them don't do that from the start.

Feel better, now? :)

Marty Martin

This is a really good point and one that responsible buyer's agents really need to emphasize to the prospective buyer. I participated in a home inspection in Roanoke County last week and the very first thing I told my buyers when discussing the home inspection is that it is limited to the major systems in the home. Not cosmetics, not minor flaws, etc. The process works so much smoother for both sides when the buyer and seller are aware of their responsibilities in the transaction. Agents need to keep their people in the know.

Jeremy Hart

Yep Jim, I feel better. Thanks!


I think inspectors like to point out the little flaws so the buyer thinks they are actually doing some good. Many home inspectors aren't very good at looking over the major systems.

Jeremy Hart

LP - although you appear to be blog spam, I'm going to respond nevertheless. It's easy to be a cynic and say that inspectors just find problems to earn their keep, but judging by your site it appears that cynicism is something not new to you. I don't mean that as a disrespect, but according to your site you've been through more than enough real estate nightmares for one lifetime. If you sort through the junk and the filth enough, you'll find diamonds, and all of the vendors we use - whether it be for inspections, closings, mortgages ... even couriers - are nothing but the utmost of professionals.

I'm sorry you've had such awful experiences. I'd be sour as well, and I'll be the first to admit that my industry is one in which you don't need more than 1/2 a brain to do this job sometimes, but that WILL catch up with you eventually. I'd ask that you not paint all of us with such a broad stroke ...

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